Correctional Administration

Course Subjects

File size: 135 kb

These are the subjects of Correctional Administration Module under New Curriculum.

  • Institutional Corrections
  • Non-institutional Corrections
  • Therapeutic Modalities
Each of this lesson has a "COMPLETE" button below each content. Simply click the "COMPLETE" button to finish the lesson so you can proceed to the next lesson. Lessons are lock sequentially. You cannot jump from the middle or last lesson on each module.
Yes you can retake the exam. The passing score is 75%.
Each of this module has a corresponding pre-requisite course. You need to pass first the current module before you proceed to the next course.
Each of this course has a corresponding level, you need to upload the needed receipt in order to fully access the module. We call this as checkpoint

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Correctional Administration

ETEEAP Orientation

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